Monogability (Woman on the Beach)

Duke City Riots

The Duke City Riots began as a hang out session and then quickly morphed into something far more than it was ever intended to be. C.S. Parker and Shannon Haworth were introduced in a very pedestrian fashion. “My wife introduced us,” says Parker. “We hit it off right away.” There was an immediate rapport between the two, infused with the holy trinity of conversation: football, politics, and music. After a few months it was casually decided that the two would try messing around with some tunes just for fun. “I thought I might be doing something on the guitar,” said Haworth. “I honestly had no idea I’d be playing drums.” He had a drum kit that he had bought for his wife a few years before. Haworth had been on the kit maybe once before he and Parker got together for their first practice. “He was a natural,” confided Parker. So with Haworth on drums and Parker on vocals and bass, the band spent a year writing and refining enough songs for an album before deciding to step into the studio. A couple of weeks before they were due to record, it became apparent they would probably need someone on guitar. Enter Ron Reust, veteran rockabilly guitarist. “I had been thinking about Ronnie being part of the picture since the very early days…knowing that we had something,” says Haworth, “He’s the only one that I knew I would call.” Reust hadn’t played in nearly a year when he heard from Haworth. He had sold his gear the previous year and had settled down with a regular job, but still agreed to at least check it out. “Meeting Chuck for the first time, I didn’t know what he would sound like,” says Reust. Reust had known a lot of lead singers that were good front men, but not anyone that “sounded like that…” The trio entered Wall of Sound Studio in Albuquerque in late 2012. Helmed by the prolific and talented John Wall, the band found a fertile breeding ground to let loose and create. “John Wall is the Zen Master of producers,” says Parker. “He really nurtures the good vibes and makes you feel comfortable just being you.” Duke City Riots pleasantly surprised Wall, who had been intrigued previously when Haworth and Parker approached him about wanting to record just drums, bass and vocals. “I love that they’re willing to be weird,” says Wall. “They really don’t sound like anybody I’ve ever heard before.” Duke City Riots is a hell broth of alt-country, roots rock, rockabilly, blues & alt rock…along with a hefty blend of boozy minimalist eccentricity.

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