
Oksana Milles

Oksana Milles (a real name Oksana Lozhnikova) was born in the city of Belyov (Tula region). Childhood of Oksana passed in the hometown. After leaving school she studies at the vocal college in Tula, but doesn't finish education because of the decision on moving to Moscow. For Oksana absorbed by music, the desire to be the known singer becomes dream and the purpose of all life. She starts being engaged in a vocal at N. M. Dubovitskaya. It occurs in Moscow where Oksana comes in search of dream implementation. Thus, Oksana continues to be engaged in a vocal, in parallel earning by herself on payment of training and on life. Thanks to invitation in 2008 to work in travel agency, Oksana starts traveling a lot. On a trip to Barcelona in 2009 she meets Minoui De Lacroix, the composer and the author of some songs sung by Oksana. In the same 2008 Oksana meets Stanislav Kucher who becomes part of the Oksana Milles project. He also thought up a pseudonym of the singer. The first track Blush, one of which authors is Minui, appears in 2009. 2013 becomes fruitful for Oksana. Single Blush (RadioEdit) is come out, clip shooting on this track comes to the end and the first album prepares for an exit. It includes cover versions of known compositions and the songs written by Oksana, Minui and other musicians. Since 2013 Oksana also starts being engaged at school studio of the ballet of Alla Dukhova "Todes". Her single "Maybe Tommorrow" (author is Munuit de Lacroix) came out on December 15th, 2014. Oksana speaks about herself so: "Music is my life. I sing always, I sing everywhere. I want to give the creativity to people a positive, a smile … to someone, probably, to help to rejoice or long, and to someone to become stronger".

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